TeamDynamix Work Intake and Selection

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Operations :  If the work being requested is estimated at less than 8 hours of effort it remains a ticket and is considered operational work, to be prioritized by the responsible support team.  The Flow Begins with TDX service Request. 

  1. TDX Service Request: Initiates a request for TDX service and moves to the Request Process.
  2. Request Process: Manages the service request, leading to the decision point of whether it's a valid Service Request.
  3. Service Request: If "Yes", continues further to execution and deployment. If "No", the request goes to Product Worklist.

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Product Work-list Planning and Execution

Initiation / TDX Project and Internal Team Requests:  If the work being requested is estimated to be more than 8 hours of effort it is converted to a task in the product worklist, to be prioritized by the team. The Flow begins with "TDX Project and Internal Team Requests" that funnel into a "Product Worklist."

  1. Product Worklist: A compilation of new and unassigned work and requests, aka the "backlog."
  2. Worklist Refinement:  The TDX Worklist items will be refined against the value received relative to effort and size. The team will refine and select from the Worklist when planning Sprints.  Sometimes low-value functionality must be delivered first to ensure system viability and maximize throughput and then routes to Worklist Prioritization.  
  3. Worklist Prioritization:  At this stage, tasks are prioritized based on their importance and urgency using the Fibonacci sequence to assign value ranks. The tasks are then routed to the Prioritized Worklist. The Fibonacci sequence is a series of numbers where each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, often starting with 0 and 1. For instance, the sequence starts as 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and so on.
  4. Prioritized Worklist: A list ordered by priority that leads to the decision of whether it's Prioritized for completion. Prioritized worklist goes to Prioritized for completion. 
  5. Prioritized for completion? If "Yes", it goes to check necessary details. If "No", it reroutes to Worklist Prioritization.
  6. Has necessary details? If "Yes", it goes to check if it's within Capacity Limits. If "No", it proceeds to Worklist refinement.
  7. Within Capacity Limits? If "Yes", it advances to Sprint Planning. If "No", It goes to a Departmental Service Activity (DSA) or Annual Planning.
  8. DSA or Annual Planning: Sets broader objectives and agendas, Ends the process.
  9. Sponsor Review: Engages stakeholders/sponsors for review and prioritization for Input. Outcomes from sponsors would update priority. 
  10. Strategic Objectives and Release Planning: Establishes goals and prepares for product release, refinement and prioritization. 
  11. Sprint Planning: Plans tasks for the upcoming work cycle, and then proceeds to Execution & Deployment.
  12. Execution & Deployment: Executes and deploys tasks, and marking the work as Completed/Released.
  13. Completed/Released Work: Marks the conclusion of the task, signifying the end of this segment of the process.
Flowchart - Screenshot

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Article ID: 1874
Mon 10/30/23 4:29 PM
Thu 12/21/23 10:17 PM