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Groups are used for assignment of work, like tickets, notifications, and visibility on certain items, such as Services, Forms, and Knowledge Base Articles. Groups can be viewed and managed in TDNext.
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Support Group Types
- Organizational Team: the primary group for a team supporting multiple products and/or services
- Specialized: a non-primary group of members from multiple teams, usually focused on supporting a single product or service
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- One Manager
- Minimum of 4 additional members
- Set of members is unique and does not duplicate membership of any other group
- Members are MSU staff, students or affiliates
- Only accounts unique to an individual
- No department accounts may be used as these bypass licensing and reduce the ability to secure and audit user actions.
- Business justification for exceptions
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- The Included in Notifications checkbox should be selected to ensure members receive emails
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- 1-4 informational segments based on the group’s organization and purpose
- Segment 1: <MAU> - see abbreviations used in Unit Code (link, login required)
- Segment 2: <TEAM or Workgroup>
- Segment 3 (optional): <Group Function>
- Segment 4 (optional): <Additional descriptive segment>
- A Group name…
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- 1 or more related services or service offerings
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Support Group Information (* = Required)
- *Name (provided by requestor, free form text formatted as
- Segment 1: <MAU> - see abbreviations used in
- Segment 2: <TEAM or Workgroup>
- Segment 3 (optional): <Group Function>
- Segment 4 (optional): <Additional descriptive segment>)
- *Description (provided by requestor, function of the group, free form text)
- *External ID (populated by TDX Admin, formatted as MAU | U1 | TDXGroupName, e.g. INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES | MSU IT ENTERPRISE SERVICES | HRSDS.Developers)
- Active (default checked)
- *Manager Name (provided by requestor, one only, First Name, Last Name, NetID)
- *Group Members (provided by requestor, must be TDX users, First Name, Last Name, NetID)
- Make Primary (indicate whether the Group is primary for each member listed)
- Included in Notifications (default checked)
- Workshifts default is 9x5, options: 16x7, 24x7
- Service Offerings (What service or service offerings is this group supporting?)
- Searchable, multi-select LOV
- Select box to Create New
- Link to New CI Request form/service offering in catalog
- Ticket Workflows (What existing workflows need to be updated to route to the new groups?)
- Additional Information (optional, free form text)
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Common Acronyms and Abbreviations
See for a comprehensive list.
- APP=Application
- DBA=Database Administrator
- DEV=Development
- DMA=Data Management and Analytics
- ENG=Engineering
- FIN=Financial
- FMS=Facilities Management System
- INF=Infrastructure
- LAC=Learning and Assessment Center
- OPS=Operations
- PMO=Project Management Office
- PROD=Production
- SEC=Security
- SIS=Student Information System
- SMO=Service Management Office
- SVS=Services
- WMS=Workstation Management Services
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