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This article details how to connect to the BIG-IP (F5) VPN using a Linux Client. There is no thick client available to download, it is all browser-based.
This article provides suggestions for some F5 VPN issues and basic troubleshooting steps to take to resolve them on macOS.
All the top VPN articles gathered together in one place for easy access.
Following these steps will download and install the macOS BIG-IP Edge client used to connect to the virtual private network (VPN) at MSU.
This will guide you through connecting a macOS device to the virtual private network (VPN) at MSU for the first time.
Previously, VPN roles were based on a user's association with MSU (Student, faculty, staff, etc). The new VPN roles have been re-organized to simplified access levels as this focuses on what is being accessed instead.
A script error has been reported when trying to connect their VPN client.
This article details how to install the BIG-IP Edge VPN client on a device running Apple iOS.
If the F5 VPN, on macOS, does not connect or you can't connect to the "" website using Safari, these steps may help.
When attempting to connect to the VPN using the BIG-IP Edge Client or connecting at you receive an error: "Not Authorized".
When trying to authenticate using two-factor (2FA) to connect to the VPN, you receive an error: "{{ 'securitycode.title' | translate }}".
After connecting to the F5 VPN it disconnects after a short period of time, or you're unable to connect to any websites, systems, etc. after connecting.
While using the BIG-IP Edge Client to connect to the VPN, it seems to disconnect randomly after a period of time.
When attempting to connect to the VPN you get a message that you have failed the anti-virus check.