My Recently Visited Services
The ISP IT Portal at houses the ISP Event System and a handful of reports. This site is primarily used for event management for all ISP center websites.
MSU IT provides endpoint protection software for MSU workstations, laptops, and servers at no additional cost to all departments and business units at MSU.
This is the tool used to track and manage health records for patients seen in MSU clinical environments.
Blue Prism Cloud is a Robot Process Automation (RPA) software.
MSU provides telephone services and need-specific telephone systems throughout campus.
The offerings for this service are for Infrastructure Planning and Facilities (IPF) staff only.
The Advance Management System is designed to assist Voucher Processing and the Cashier’s Office in the tracking of travel, imprest, event, research, and open advances. An advance is distributed in the form of a note which authorizes the Cashier’s Office to disburse the funds. Depending on the type of advance, the repayment of the advance may be required within days, or in the case of open advances, at some indefinite future date.
Application Performance Management (APM) is a suite of software tools that allow MSU teams to view and diagnose the performance and availability of web-based applications.
Titanium Schedule is an electronic medical records (EMR) system designed specifically for university and college counseling centers.
Wireless printing and remote printing via '' - MSU Print allows you to print to specific MSU Printers from anywhere in the world using the Internet Printing Protocol (IPP).
Description of application or services: - Consultations regarding app development, publishing and deployment. - Apple Developer account provisioning and management. - iOS Certificate creation and management. - iOS app Provisioning Profile creation and man
FTU allows multiple campus units to develop electronically routed and tracked, multi-signature web forms through a consistent design interface.
Planon is the Integrated Workplace Management System (IWMS) for infrastructure and facilities assets at MSU.
Multimedia Contact Center to allow agents to receive calls, emails, SMS, webchats and distribute work.
Discoverer is a tool for exporting data and making reports from FAMIS.
Digital accessibility is the practice of designing and providing equitable user experiences so that individuals with disabilities are able to independently acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services within the same timeframe as individuals without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use.