Identity and access management, including accounts, authentication, access, and role-based provisioning at the enterprise level.

Articles (41)

Authentication - What is Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and Why Should I Use It?

MFA stands for "Multi-Factor Authentication". For authentication, a factor is a way to confirm you are an authorized user. In the past, most authentication was done solely with a username and password. The password was the factor being used.

Campus AD - Departmental Support Staff using Active Roles 8.x: Security Groups Used for A Shared Mailbox with a Shared Calendar

This article informs a local unit administrator how to create security groups for shared Resources in CampusAD using Active Roles 8.x

Campus AD - IT Staff Checklist for Departmental Computers Before Migration to MSU Campus AD

This article provides a departmental computers checklist to be used prior to migrating to MSU CampusAD.

Disabling a NetID

MSU graduates, former students, former employees, or retirees can have their MSU NetID disabled. Current MSU Faculty, Staff, and Students are not allowed to disable their official MSU NetID.

How Do I Get My MSU Spartan Card?

Information about obtaining your MSU Spartan Card and where to find additional information if you have questions or concerns.

Managing Group Policy with Microsoft Remote Server Administration Tools (RSAT) - For OU Admins

This article provides information on how a departmental IT Support staff member can load and use tools to manage the Active Directory for their organizational unit if they are part of the MSU Campus Active Directory (CampusAD)

NetID - Activating a NetID as a New Faculty / Staff Member

The ID Office maintains NetIDs and has instructions how to activate on their website, which this article links to.

NetID - Activating a NetID as a New Student

The ID Office maintains current instructions for how to activate your NetID.

NetID - Changing a NetID

The ID Office maintains the process to change NetIDs. They have a form (linked in this article) you can use to request the change.

NetID - General Information about FPIDs at MSU

FPID based NetIDs are issued for certain populations and are intended to be short term and temporary.

NetID - Password Restrictions for Legacy Logins

Certain legacy authentication systems (ie, not using do not handle leading numbers in the password.

NetID - Who Gets What Services Based on Their Type of Affiliation with MSU

This document define what access to supported services a user may have with their MSU NetID, based on the affiliation categories listed.

NetID Services for Surviving Spouses

Spouses are not eligible for NetID services on their own. However, surviving spouses of vested MSU Faculty, Staff, and Retirees are eligible for their own NetID.

SIS Campus Solutions - Student Information System (SIS) Role Chart for Access Requests

Document containing details for SIS roles that can be requested through the Access Request system.

Authentication - How to Register a Security Key or Biometric Authenticator for Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) in Okta

Following these steps will connect a security key or biometic authenticator as a MFA credential to your account, allowing you to connect to resources that require MFA.

Authentication - How to Register a SMS Messaging or Voice Call Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Credential to Your Account

Following these steps will connect your phone (using SMS or voice calls) as a MFA credential to your account, allowing you to connect to resources that require MFA.

Authentication - How to Register Okta Verify as a Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) Credential for Your Account

Following these steps will connect Okta Verify as a MFA credential to your account, allowing you to connect to resources that require it.

Authentication - How To Switch Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to a New Phone (Okta)

Following these steps will switch your Okta Verify MFA credential from one phone to a new one.

Campus AD - How to Add or Remove Columns in Directory Contents View - For OU Admins

This article explains how a departmental IT Support staff member can add directory columns for additional search, sort, and display options

Campus AD - How to Create a Group using Guest as a Departmental Support Staff

This article provides information on how a departmental IT Support staff member can create a group using the Quest ActiveRoles Tool.

CampusAD - How to request an Organizational Unit - For OU Admins

If you are the administrator for an organization (department, college, or administrative unit) and are moving staff email, computers and servers into CampusAD you should request an Organizational Unit (OU) be created for your unit in CampusAD. - How to Reset a Chemistry Password

The password can be reset on the website. If a student does not remember their current password to, they will need to email for assistance.

EBS - How to Find your ZPID in Enterprise Business Systems

Following the steps below will help you locate your ZPID in Enterprise Business Systems (EBS), which you may need for verification or registration purposes.

How to Request Access to a System or Application through MSU Information Technology

This article covers the basic steps for requesting access to a system or application coordinated by MSU Information Technology's access management process. These access requests in TeamDynamix have replaced the eARM application ( - Password Reset

These passwords need to be reset from the page. The IT Service Desk does not have access to reset these passwords.

NetID - How To Change or Restrict Your Directory Information at MSU

Following these steps will allow you to modify how your information appears in the directory, or prevent it from appearing at all.

NetID - How to Request Making HC or MSUFGP Account Match NetID

Some users may have different usernames for their HC or MSUFGP domains as opposed to the general MSU domain. This process allows the usernames to be synced.

NetID - How to Reset a NetID Password

This article describes how to reset a NetID password.

NetID - How to Reset your Health Sciences Network Password (RAD or MSUFGP domains)

This article describes how to reset their network password which includes CPS, Health Sciences Email, VDI, Clinic PC login, Citrix login, Webaris, Docutrak, and Thin Clients.

NetID - How to Set or Change a Secondary Email Address for Self-Service Password Resets

Following these steps will set a non-MSU email address as a backup email so you can reset your NetID password without any outside assistance.

SIS Campus Solutions - How to Find Your APID / Student Number

Following these steps will help you locate your APID / Student Number in SIS Campus Solutions, which you may need for verification or registration purposes.

Spartan 365 - How to Create a Room or Equipment Resource (Shared Mailbox)

Information on how a local administrator creates a room resource for use in Office 365.

StuInfo - How to Find Your APID / Student Number if You Graduated from MSU in Fall 2021 or Earlier

Following these steps will help you locate your student APID in the StuInfo system, which you may need for verification or registration purposes. StuInfo is the system that was replaced by SIS Campus Solutions.

Imprivata - How To Update a Password in Imprivata

Imprivata stores passwords to facilitate easy authentication to various systems. This article covers how to update a password stored in Imprivata.

Okta FastPass - How To Set Up Okta FastPass on Windows

Following these steps will set up Okta FastPass on your machine, allowing you to use biometric and other credentials to complete multi-factor authentication (MFA), often referred to as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Okta FastPass - How To Set Up Okta FastPass on macOS

Following these steps will set up Okta FastPass on your machine, allowing you to use biometric and other credentials to complete multi-factor authentication (MFA), often referred to as Two-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Authentication - Error "Invalid Token" When Attempting to Add Okta Verify as a MFA credential.

In order for Okta to verify an account, the time on the phone must be synced properly to a time server. If not, the user will receive "invalid token" error.

Authentication - Error: "Invalid Token Provided" for Okta MFA

When you attempt to register for Okta MFA, you receive an error: "Invalid Token Provided". Your Okta account is likely stuck in Staged mode, and must be manually activated from the Okta admin console.

NetID - Error: "Password Requirements Not Met" When Trying to Reset Password

When trying to reset a NetID password, you receive an error saying "Password requirements not met".

Okta Two Factor Authentication Checkbox Does Not Save Setting - Known Issue

The "Do not challenge me on this device for the next 24 hours" checkbox during an Okta login does not save the setting, and does not prevent future 2FA challenges on the same device.